
You can listen/speak to Teminar with your phone or with you computer. In the Session page of your Teminar you can see the options for that specific session.

Use your phone...

Call one or the local access numbers of Teminar and only have the costs of a regular local call.

Or have yourself called by Teminar. The telephony costs are charged to the organizer. He or she determines if this is allowed for each session.

...or your computer/tablet

Web-phone allows you to call with your computer or tablet. This is free for the participant and for the organizer. Read more about web-Phone

Or if you want to listen only: Web-Cast

Web-Cast available for participants only since it is for listening only, not for speech. The audio is streamed to the computer or tablet of the participant. Web-Cast is free for everyone. Check if Web-Cast works on your system: test web-Cast